The EPFO has recently released certain guideline concerning the Complaint Handling Mechanism for the matters coming under its purview. The notable point is that complaint should be pertaining to EPFO and the EPFO Vigilance shall only take cognizance of the complaints which have a “Vigilance angle” or relates to corruption matters. All the other grievances which pertain to service delivery by the EPFO such as pension matters, claim settlement, KYC Updation shall be addressed by a different platform. The grievance can be submitted using various channels like EPFiGMS, the UMANG Portal, the Complaint Management System (CMS) portal, or by sending written complaint through postal letters. Any complaint which is made anonymously or using a pseudonym shall not be considered valid as the complainant is required to submit any document of verification in order to check the authenticity of the complaint. Only the complaints which are not a part of any litigation in any courts, tribunal, etc shall be entertained by the grievance redressal body.