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NLUD Journal on ‘Labour’ is committed to uphold academic and research integrity. Authors are encouraged to refer to the Committee on Publication Ethics’ International Standards for Authors. The editorial team of the NLUD Journal on ‘Labour’ encourages the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all reasonable preventative measures against publication malpractices. All persons associated with the Journal, in the capacity of author, reviewer, and editor, are expected to acquaint themselves with and adhere to the terms of these guidelines.


Submissions not conforming to these guidelines may be returned or rejected. While we strive to provide substantive feedback for every submission we receive, it may not always be possible to do so, given the large number of submissions. We reserve the right to reject submissions if it doesn’t accede to the mandate of the Journal.


1.  Authorship

The following criteria must be met in order to attain authorship: 
•    Substantial intellectual contribution to the study conception and design, data acquisition, analysis, and interpretation.
•    Agreement to be responsible and accountable for the accuracy and integrity of all aspects of the submission.
•    Ability to grant final approval of the version that has to be published.
•    All authors undertake that their submission does not infringe on any third person's copyright or any other rights, nor does it contain anything defamatory, slanderous, libellous, obscene or any other unlawful content.  All authors agree that they shall be solely responsible in case of any legal violations.
•    The Authors must only submit real, unfabricated data that is original.
•    No authorship shall be granted to submissions whose authors come under the purview of “ghost” authors, “guest” authors or “gift” authors. 
•    Acknowledgment shall be provided for contribution, if any and the person shall be informed about the same.
•    An author may request removal or addition of author(s) after submission, acceptance or publication. In such a situation, the author shall provide a detailed explanation for the change and a signed statement of agreement for such request.
•    In case of disputes regarding authorship, the Journal and its editors shall not be responsible for the determination of attributing authorship.
•    Manuscript can be submitted only to a single journal by an author at a time.
•    The Journal may refuse to publish if the author(s) has engaged in misconduct including violation of academic or research ethics.


2. Accountability and responsibility 
•    All authors should have read and be familiar with the reported work and should ensure that publications follow the principles set out in these guidelines. In most cases, authors will be expected to take joint responsibility for the integrity of the research and its reporting. 
•    Authors should work with the editor or publisher to revise their work promptly. 
•    Authors may respond to post-publication comments and published correspondence. 

3. Plagiarism 
•    All submissions will undergo thorough duplication-checking/anti-plagiarism/Use of AI check. Plagiarism in all its forms is unethical and unacceptable.  
•    The author must acknowledge their sources and provide appropriate references in the manner prescribed. Any information obtained through private means must be included in the manuscript only after explicit written permission from the concerned third party.
•    If a manuscript is found to have plagiarised work or included third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgement, or where the authorship of the article is contested, we reserve the right to take action including, but not limited to, publishing an erratum or corrigendum; retracting the article; taking up the matter with the head of the department or dean of the author's institution and/or relevant academic bodies or societies; or taking appropriate legal action.

4. Conflicts of Interest
•    It is the responsibility of the author(s) to make such disclosures on conflicts of interest to the Journal at the earliest possible time.
•    In the event that the author(s) have not disclosed their conflicts of interest, the article in the Journal may be retracted or have letters of concern or reprimand written to them and institutes.
5. Fundamental Errors in Published Works

•    If an author(s) discovers fundamental errors in their work published in the Journal, it is their duty to immediately notify the Journal of such errors and cooperate with the Journal in rectifying said errors.
•    If the editors come to know of such fundamental error(s) in the published work, they may provide the author an opportunity to prove the correctness of the work. 
•    The editorial board has the discretion to decide in what form and manner the error(s) shall be rectified.


6. Editors 

Editors of the Journal have to follow the ethical duties:
•    Editors must ensure that the submissions are evaluated objectively and exclusively on the basis of academic merit, without any bias, partiality or favouritism based on any consideration.
•    The editors can reject the submissions on the ground of defamation, libel, slander, obscene content or other unlawful matter. 
•    The editors shall also reject submissions that have been substantially plagiarised or AI generated.
•    If the Journal publishes an article that critiques a previous article published by the Journal, the Editors shall ensure that the author(s) of the previous article has an opportunity to respond to criticism and publish it, provided if its standards of the Journal.
•    The editors shall not either publish or disclose any unpublished material disclosed in a submission or any information about, or ideas obtained from, a submission to anyone besides the author(s), editorial team, reviewers, and the publisher without the consent of the author(s).
•    The editors shall disclose all relationships that may cause a potential conflict of interest and request a recusal from editorial decisions.
•    Submissions made by editorial team members shall not be accepted for publication in the Journal.
•    The editors shall respond to queries, ethical concerns, and malpractice complaints in a timely manner and endeavour to address the complaints responsibly and sufficiently. The editorial team can also be contacted at in relation to suspicions of ethical concerns, malpractice complaints, or conflicts of interest.


7. Miscellaneous

•    The Journal’s Editorial Board shall determine whether the guidelines mentioned above have been violated, and its decision shall be final.

•    The Journal has the right to exercise its discretion to reject, retract, modify or refuse future submissions if the above-mentioned guidelines have been violated.

•    The Journal’s Editorial Board has the right to amend the Publication Ethics and Malpractice statement at any time.

•    In case the present statement does not cover a sui generis event or situation, the Journal’s Editorial Board has the discretion to arrive at a decision based on the general principles and intent of this Statement, as well as by reference to best practices and guidelines issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


8. Further Information

The Journal has its own official website on with information about the aims and scope, editorial board members and advisory board members, the publishing process, editorial policy, peer review policy, diversity policy, subscriptions, and contact information.

Any queries or complaints regarding the information provided above or otherwise may be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief at

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