The report, Preventing and addressing violence and harassment in the world of work through occupational safety and health measures , finds that more than one-in-five people in employment have experienced violence and harassment. This issue can affect all types of workplaces and can also occur during commutes, work-related trips, events, digital communications, social activities and in home-based offices.
The report emphasizes that OSH frameworks tackle root causes of violence and harassment by addressing underlying risks such as inadequate work organization, factors related to specific tasks (e.g. working alone or constantly interacting with third parties), and working conditions that produce high stress levels that in turn lead to violence and harassment. Occupational safety and health frameworks that are based on workplace cooperation and social dialogue, mobilize both employers and workers to create working environments free from violence and harassment, the analysis says.
In the 25 countries studied, about two-thirds of all legal provisions on workplace violence and harassment are contained in OSH legislation and regulations, the study finds. OSH policies are more detailed in outlining preventive strategies and defining the responsibilities of employers and workers when compared to other regulatory approaches.
Practical tools, training programmes and guidelines tailored for enterprises and workplaces can help put violence and harassment policies into practice, the report says. These tools explain the steps needed to implement interventions to tackle violence and harassment and help carrying out complex tasks such as workplace risk assessments, emphasizes the report.
The report is being issued as part of a research project, “Practical guidance and tools to prevent and address violence and harassment in the world of work: An OSH perspective”, which is jointly funded by the European Commission and the ILO.