September 2023 National News
Fulmati Dhramdev Yadav v. New India Assurance Co. Ltd.
2023 SCC OnLine SC 1105
The appellants in this case were the relatives of a driver who had died while carrying out activities in the course of his employment. The respondent had entered into a contract with the deceased’s employer to take care of any case in which compensation is payable as per section 3 of the Employees’ Compensation Act, 1923. It denied the claim of the appellants on the basis that the deceased’s employment had not been proved through documentary evidence. Due to this they approached the local Commissioner appointed under the 1923 Act for relief. The Commissioner awarded them a sum of money but the respondent got the award overturned in the first appeal. This led to the case coming before the Supreme Court.
Arguments of the parties:
The arguments made by counsel were not reproduced by the Court.
Was the order of the Commissioner good in law?
Reasoning of the Court:
First of all, the Court pointed out that the Gujarat High Court had exercised appellate jurisdiction under section 30 of the 1923 Act despite there being no substantial question of law involved. This could not have been possible since the first proviso to section 30(1) makes the presence of such a question a pre-requisite for exercising appellate jurisdiction. It further pointed out that the High Court had made a mistake by reappreciating the evidence since the Commissioner is the last authority on facts. It noted that this had been held by the Supreme Court in numerous cases including Golla Rajamma v. Divisional Manager [(2017) 1 SCC 45].
The Court further found that the facts were such that the view of the Commissioner that the deceased had been employed was not an implausible view. Hence, the Court upheld the order given by the Commissioner.
The appeal was allowed.